Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mupen64Plus v1.4 released June 14th

We released Mupen64Plus v1.4 on Saturday night. The code in the trunk had been pretty stable for some time, as we had mostly been applying fixes and no big merges. Since I know people are waiting for the new version, I decided that instead of doing release candidates and drawing out a final release by a couple more weeks, I would tag the trunk as 1.4 and make a branch to do minor versions (1.4.1, etc) if any major problems are found.

For those who haven't followed the development, some of the new features in 1.4 which weren't present in 1.3 include:
  • Graphical debugger for R4300 core (build with 'make DBG=1')
  • On Screen Display for savestate, volume, speed messages
  • KDE4 GUI (experimental, compile from source)
  • Cheat system with Gameshark codes
  • Rumble Pack / Force Feedback support
  • Change emulator speed in 5% increments, with smooth sound playback
  • Volume up/down
  • Dozens of other improvements and bug fixes: GUI, Input, Sound enhancements
My next item of business is to merge Tillin9's Rom Cache System branch into the trunk. He's done a lot of work in writing this, which will be the first major new feature of 1.5. We hope to release again in the 2-3 month time frame, which will be late august to early september. It'll be the back-to-school mupen64plus release. The RCS will be a nice GUI improvement to start out this release cycle.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mupen64Plus Netplay + Much More!

As we roll around to 1.4 (which is coming soon folks, I promise), we have once again sparked the interests of developers around the world. Although netplay might not see the official 1.4 release, it is coming around the corner like a fast car. We can thank orbitaldecay for joining the project team to provide us with custom netplay code. This means we will not be using the dead remains of what was once Kaillera. Our netplay code is expected to be faster with less delay then ever seen with an online Nintendo 64 Emulator, also when the time comes, it will be cross-platform.

Another thing few things that we are working on at this point in time is the Rom Cache System, which is very similiar in function to Project64's Rom Database. Also the debugger, which should be a blessing to all you ROM hackers is expected to make it into the 1.4 release. Mupen64Plus is always looking for new developers for any platform, feel free to stop by in IRC and chitchat aswell. ( #mupen64plus)

I guess that's all for now...

- okaygo